Destí – Diseñamos relaciones poderosas

Case FCA
How and how much do we use CRM information?
An in-depth diagnosis of data health and an action plan to improve the use of information in the relationship with customers.
Healthy Data
On many occasions the use of CRM software has mixed results. Many times, success or failure is more related to the correct use of the information provided by the system than to its implementation.
The integration of data in the relationship with the client of each of the brands was the central axis of the work that Destí carried out together with FCA.
It was a project in which a diagnosis of the health of the information available at different touchpoints was made to, from there, improve business results in the relationship with the client. What use is given to the data? What is the quality of that information? And finally, how are these volumes of data interpreted? Who manages that information? These questions made it possible to define critical points and guide action.
The dealer´s voice
Any strategy that was defined had to include the point of view of the concessionaire, as the main actor in the relationship. With this kick, the journey was enhanced to improve sales and transform clients into customers, generating synergy between the brand and its points of sale.
Then, a mapping of the dealer network in the use of data was carried out and a data management solution was designed, in which different perspectives and levels of professionalization of the network were integrated.
Thus, one of the objectives was to change from an enterprise journey format to a customer journey, that is, to carry out a change in corporate mentality.
Guardians of Information
The new vision of the company allowed an approach to the entire volume of information and data. Collaborators and leaders more consciously assumed the role of each one in data quality management, forming a value chain throughout the journey.
FCA now knows the temporality of the customer’s life cycle, drew on the dealers’ responses to find the pieces of a puzzle that never ended, and validated the processes for data quality care. All these steps were transformed into concrete actions to improve the level of sales and achieve, for example, having the best-selling car model in Argentina.
An information traceability plan was prepared, ordering the action priorities that make it possible to seal the leak points and alleviate customer friction.
It was a project in which the company, accompanied by Destí, reformulated the mindset in relation to the use of CRM as a resource to improve sales and added the data converted into knowledge to the business strategy and relationship with customers.



Gracias por escribir.

Soy Rocío, líder de proyectos en Destí.

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