Destí – Diseñamos relaciones poderosas

Case Nidera
How much do we listen to our clients?
The royal path of transformation towards a customer centric company.
Human Focus
In all market categories there is more than one customer segment. And within the «agricultural producer» profile, a series of attributes that build a generality are usually classified, without really knowing the person. That was the work challenge that Destí walked along with Nidera, Syngenta’s seed division: a change in focus, which had as its ambition to be a client-centric company.
In essence, it was a Customer Experience(CX) project which addressed quite an improvement of the experience in the relationship between the company and the client. After a first stage where the voice of the client was incorporated, the health of the relationship between the brand and its consumers was analyzed, to make, as a whole, a diagnosis of the person and their production processes.
A valuable path
From the design and start-up of a co-creation work, in which all areas of the company participated, 85 ideas for improvements arose and after prioritizing them by the impact on the client and the current possibility of the business, developed 15 immediate implementation projects. Each one had an impact on three central areas of the company: management, process and communication with the client.
Changes that impact
This new energy arising from the meetings and listening was channeled through work cells to carry out each project. Then, the entire distribution network was trained with a Nidera management manual guiding the relationship with the customer at every moment of the journey; the most relevant behavioral criteria were detected to segment customers; shipment tracking was optimized and even updates were made to the packaging of the product bags.
All these actions were accompanied by the redesign of clearer commercial proposals and, in parallel, the Farmer Centricity Forum was launched, the brand’s own space to think about and improve the producer’s shopping experience.
It was a process in which the company questioned itself, in which it was accompanied by Destí’s work all the time. In this way, behind these ideas an organizational transformation was launched that led Nidera to a new place in front of its customers.



Gracias por escribir.

Soy Rocío, líder de proyectos en Destí.

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